
What do you have increased during the epidemic besides weight?

Under COVID-19, all of us have stayed home longer than usual. Parents have to work from home, children keep going online classes. When was the last time you went for exercise?

The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG) and Run2gather have launched the Run21Home, let’s get moved at home together with reward.

Run21Home encourages you to plan to run or walk for 8,000 steps, which is about 4 kilometers at home every day. Exercises can be easy at home.

Once you have accumulated 248,000 steps (about 124 kilometers) in 31 days and uploaded your result to the designated platform, you will have the opportunity to get sports vouchers. Four top Hong Kong runners on four Saturdays are going to run with you through special online classes. Let’s exercise at home, win the prize and fight the epidemic together.

Event Period: 26/3/2022 – 6/5/2022
Event Details: Run or walk 8,000 steps (about 4 kilometers) at home, and accumulate 248,000 steps (about 124 kilometers) in 31 days.
Registration Method: 3 Steps:
  1. Register as member at “”
  2. Download Run2gather App and setup personal account
  3. Participate “Run21Home” event at Run2agtehr Website or App and start upload records.

26/3 教練 : 陳家豪 (香港長跑名將及著名跑步教練,同時亦為香港田徑隊隊員及教練。現任香港4×1,500米接力紀錄保持者,前香港3,000米礙障賽、15公里和半程馬拉松紀錄保持者。)

2/4 教練 : 姚潔貞 (香港首席女子馬拉松運動員,曾代表香港參加2016年里約奧運女子馬拉松賽事。2021年渣打香港馬拉松女子組全馬賽事冠軍,亦曾四度獲得渣打香港馬拉松女子半馬拉松賽事冠軍。)

9/4 教練 : 黃浩聰 (香港頂尖越野跑手,曾奪世界四大極地超級馬拉松巡迴賽總冠軍,剛於2022年2月創下香港四徑挑戰能於兩日內完成298公里與及時間最快的第一人,現時為香港ITRA分數最高的男子運動員。)

23/4教練 : 梁影雪 (本地路跑及越野跑好手,擁有18年跑步經驗。多次於香港大型賽事中奪標,亦曾代表香港參加世界越野錦標賽,現時為香港ITRA分數最高的女子運動員。)

時間限制: 活動期內
Location: During epidemic period, exercise at home to reduce the risk of infection.
Awards: "Together, We fight the virus!”Award (quotas of 21): The winner will receive a $250 sports voucher after completing 124 kilometers of exercise and posting a photo of themselves working out at home with the hashtag #HKFYGRUN21 on Facebook or Instagram.
Record upload period: 26/3/2022(12:00am GMT+08)- 7/5/2023(11:59pm GMT+08)


26/3 教練 : 陳家豪


2/4 教練 : 姚潔貞


9/4 教練 : 黃浩聰


23/4教練 : 梁影雪



Apply Now


  1. 電子證書
  2. 跑21訓練參與資格 (預計會於2022年8月開始進行)

Third-party Pedometer App


Participant must use the Apps designated by Run2gather to record the running or walking record and Upload the record or screen capture to Run2gather’s website; R2 will disqualify for who failed to upload within the mandated period or the uploaded distance is insufficient. Participant must use the Apps designated by Run2gather to record the running or walking record Press here for designated or approved Apps.
  1. Complete your race distance with one or more running or walking session (before 6 May 2022)
  2. Upload the running or walking record onto Run2gather’s website (before 7 May 2022)
  3. Completion Award: Completion Certificate (around 17 May 2022)