Hong Trails 298
09/11/2024 - 31/10/2025
Hong Trails 298: You don't have to be an expert to challenge the Four Trails.
Challenge 2025km
01/01/2025 - 31/12/2025
Challenge 2025 Challenge 2025km Give yourself a goal. It’s not easy to accomplish, but you can definitely do it as long as you persist. We have launched our annual challenge program for the fourth consecutive year, and this year’s theme is “Breakthrough”.
Registation end
25/10/2025 - 27/10/2025
長榮航空城市觀光馬拉松(EVA Air Marathon)由中華民國路跑協會、中華民國文化休閒運動協會以及長榮航空共同主辦,是2018年起於台灣台北市舉行的年度馬拉松比賽。目前賽事分有全程馬拉松、半程馬拉松、10公里以及3公里四個組別。
Registation end
25/10/2025 - 27/10/2025
反應熱烈首團報名已滿,現加推第二團。 長榮航空城市觀光馬拉松(EVA Air Marathon)由中華民國路跑協會、中華民國文化休閒運動協會以及長榮航空共同主辦,是2018年起於台灣台北市舉行的年度馬拉松比賽。目前賽事分有全程馬拉松、半程馬拉松、10公里以及3公里四個組別。
Registation end
25/10/2025 - 27/10/2025
反應熱烈首團報名已滿,現加推第三團。 長榮航空城市觀光馬拉松(EVA Air Marathon)由中華民國路跑協會、中華民國文化休閒運動協會以及長榮航空共同主辦,是2018年起於台灣台北市舉行的年度馬拉松比賽。目前賽事分有全程馬拉松、半程馬拉松、10公里以及3公里四個組別。
【賽馬會好動城市計劃】「好動城市線上跑 · 大麻成陪你跑」5公里挑戰
24/03/2025 - 25/04/2025
「好動城市線上跑·大麻成陪你跑」為賽馬會好動城市計劃駭下的活動之一,計劃鼓勵市民將恆常運動融入生活,冀達至世界衛生組織建議每星期的體能活動水平。而「好動城市線上跑」首次與大麻成聯承,推出大麻成別注版的T-shirt、完賽徽章 、完賽環保袋及完賽毛巾。
Autism Awareness Actions 2025 - APF Charity Virtual Run - Individual (5km)
31/03/2025 - 30/04/2025
Autism Partnership Foundation (APF) holds various activities during the annual "Autism Awareness Actions" in April in response to the "World Autism Awareness Day" on April 2 each year.
Autism Awareness Actions 2025 - APF Charity Virtual Run - Family Team (4km)
31/03/2025 - 30/04/2025
Autism Partnership Foundation (APF) holds various activities during the annual "Autism Awareness Actions" in April in response to the "World Autism Awareness Day" on April 2 each year.
Autism Awareness Actions 2025 - APF Charity Virtual Run - Corporate & Group (10km)
31/03/2025 - 30/04/2025
Autism Partnership Foundation (APF) holds various activities during the annual "Autism Awareness Actions" in April in response to the "World Autism Awareness Day" on April 2 each year.